
Mrs Y. Idiodi

Welfare Co-Ordinator

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Education & Training

Welcome to AS Watch Foundation, where Mrs. Y. Idiodi serves as the dedicated Project Coordinator, overseeing and coordinating our organization’s impactful initiatives with precision and passion. Mrs. Idiodi plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our projects are effectively planned, executed, and evaluated, leading to meaningful impact in the lives of children and communities we serve. Her strategic approach and commitment to excellence drive our mission forward, empowering children through education, advocacy, and sustainable solutions.


Which Handeled By Me

Visit to Orhue Primary School

₦ 0 of ₦ 18,000 raised

Orphanage Fund Raising Concert

₦ 0 of ₦ 3 million raised

Visit to Delta Heart Orphanage

₦ 0 of ₦ 5 million raised